Re-engaging Difficult to Engage Adult Learners through Community Learning Facilitation
24 months (01.02.2022- 31.01.2024)
The project is funded by European Union, through the ERASMUS+ Program, KA220-ADU - Cooperation partnerships in adult education

Social and economic disparities between urban and rural, smaller or more developed areas have a direct impact on the educational opportunities for adults. In less developed areas, especially rural areas, beyond schools there is little opportunity for further training, vocational training or lifelong learning in general. In addition to that, the formal education system is often falling large sections of the population and takes learning and development opportunities out to socioeconomically disadvantaged individuals and poorer areas. Therefore, providing access to lifelong learning opportunities for adults in disadvantaged areas remains a challenge for most European countries. Building the adequate lifelong learning infrastructure involves using wisely the available resources at local level, building coherence across local actors and bringing learning as closer to the learner as possible. Community learning is definitely a solution to even the access across various socio-economic groups and to encourage wide and inclusive participation, which are key to the success of upskilling measures.
The REDEAL project is about enhance lifelong learning opportunities for adults in disadvantaged areas by developing the adult learning infrastructure and services at community level. The project purpose will be realized through the following objectives:
to the professionalisation of the local adult learning staff by developing a competence profile for community learning facilitators and the subsequent professionalisation pathways
the quality and coherence of adult learning provision and services at local level by designing a community learning curriculum
evidence and good practice example for the decision-making process at regional/national level by piloting the project methodology (competence profile and curriculum) in 5 disadvantaged rural communities